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Game parameters

This panel lists all the game-level settings for the game you are in. Currently the available parameters are as follows:

Parameter Description
Deadline The time that the deadline for orders will pass (in your local time), after which force pass may be used
Deadline advances The amount of time that the deadline advances when an order is processed
Phase selection type The method of choosing which and how many phases each player will perform during the turn
Send global comms tech level Espionage tech level required to send communication to all players
Send private comms tech level Espionage tech level required to send communication to individual players
Send anonymous comms tech level Espionage tech level required to send communication without revealing your Superpower
Company Restart Cost The amount of cash required to restart a company if it has been closed in a previous turn, or damaged by Fortuna event
Tank Tech Level The army research level required to be able to buy Tanks
Boomer Tech Level The navy research level required to be able to buy Boomers
Nuke Tech Level The strategic research level required to be able to buy Nukes
L-Star Tech Level The strategic research level required to be able to buy L-Stars
K-Sat Tech Level The strategic research level required to be able to buy Killer Satellites
Neutron Tech Level The strategic research level required to be able to buy Neutron Bombs
Liquid Asset Percent The percentage of a Superpowers cash that can be transferred to another Superpower during a single phase
Blockade Indicates whether companies are blockaded when they have no friendly port
Siege Indicates whether Superpowers can be prevented from trading with the commodity market
Nuclear Winter Type Indicates whether a Nuclear Winter rule is in effect
Automatically force pass time after deadline Time **after** deadline when the game will move on
Buy position
Setting Effect
Choose 1 Superpowers choose one phase to participate in each turn
Choose 2 Superpowers choose two phases to participate in each turn
Choose 3 Superpowers choose three phases to participate in each turn
Buy position Superpowers choose three phases to participate in each turn, and spend cash to set their position in the queue; selecting the amount of cash to spend and whether they want to be first or last in the queue.
The Superpowers are ranked then by the amount of cash spent against their preference to decide player order.

Queue order is decided randomly in all Choose types, and when the same amount of cash is spent in Buy Position. In Set up, Pay Salaries and Build phases, all orders are processed simultaneously.