The board is divided up into 92 different territories, home territories belonging to a superpower, neutral territories, seas and oceans. One extra has been added - Persian Gulf between Iran, Iraq and the Arabian Sea. A territory can only be owned by one Superpower at once. If a territory is left empty (of both companies and units) then it reverts back to it's natural state, i.e. Neutral or a Home territory. Sea (light blue) and Ocean (dark blue) territories which are not occupied may be moved into and through freely. Moving into an empty land territory constitutes an attack.
Home territories
Each Superpower has between 4 and 6 home territories. If a Superpower loses all his home territories then he is defeated.
Nuked territories
Territories that take hits from nuclear weapons, and some types or terrorist attacks and meteor storms can become Nuked. This renders the territories unusable by all Superpowers. Sea and Ocean territories that are affected by nukes are reverted to their normal state at the start of phase 1.
Neutroned territories
Territories that take hits from neutron weapons, and some types of meteor storms can become Neutroned. This renders the territories unusable by all Superpowers, but the attacking Superpower can move into and clean up the territory. Sea and Ocean territories that are affected by neutron devastation are reverted to their normal state at the start of phase 1.
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Map interaction
You can intereact with the individual territories on the map. By clicking on the troop numbers it is possible to change the defense status, whether the territory will attack tanks first (before armies), the number of L-Star slots defending the territory and who has the Right of Passage through the territory.